Wednesday, June 21, 2023

How to Get Ontario NUANS and its Proper Usage?

How to Get Ontario NUANS and its Proper Usage?   


If you are planning to start a business in Canada, you may have heard of NUANS. NUANS stands for New Upgraded Automated Name Search and is a database that contains information about existing business names in Canada. It is an essential tool for entrepreneurs who want to register their business name and ensure that it is unique and not already in use.

How to Get NUANS?

Getting a NUANS report is easy. You can either do it yourself or hire a professional service provider. Following are our few Government  Authorized NUANS Report Provider:

  1.  Regicorp Inc
  2.  Business Ontario Corporate Services Inc.
  3. IncorpRegistry Inc.
  4. AMQ legals Inc.

and many more.

Here are the steps for getting a NUANS report:

Visit the NUANS Provider website and place an Order

Choose the type of NUANS report you need. There are three types of reports: NUANS Preliminary Search, NUANS Name Reservation, and NUANS Corporate Name Search.

Provide the necessary information about your business, such as the proposed name, location, and type of business.

Pay the fee for the NUANS report.

Wait for the report to be generated and sent to you.

What is the Usage of NUANS?

NUANS is an important tool for entrepreneurs who want to register their business name. It helps to ensure that the proposed name is unique and not already in use. This is important because if you register a business name that is already in use, you may face legal issues and may have to change your business name.

NUANS also helps to protect the intellectual property rights of existing businesses. If someone tries to register a business name that is similar to an existing business name, the existing business owner can take legal action to protect their rights.

In addition, NUANS is also used by lenders and investors to assess the creditworthiness of a business. If a business has a unique and well-established name, it is more likely to be seen as a reliable and trustworthy investment.


NUANS is an essential tool for entrepreneurs who want to start a business in Canada. It helps to ensure that the proposed business name is unique and not already in use, protects the intellectual property rights of existing businesses, and helps to assess the creditworthiness of a business. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily get a NUANS report and ensure that your business name is unique and legally compliant.

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